

单词 hint
释义 hinthintshinthint1 /hɪnt/ noun [countable]1indirect suggestion something that you say or do to suggest something to someone without telling them directlyhint aboutSue has been dropping hints about her birthday.havebedrophint苏一直在暗示她的生日。He gave me some strong hints about getting married.givehintgetmarry他对我暗示说他要结婚﹐几乎是明示了。If he won’t take a hint (=understand a hint), you’ll have to be honest.win如果他不能领会暗示﹐那你只好坦白了。Her remark was probably a subtle hint for us to leave.be她的话很可能是含蓄地暗示叫我们走。2small amount a small amount of somethinghint ofA hint of perfume drifted in the air.drift空气里弥漫着淡淡的香水味。3advice a useful piece of advice SYN tiphint on/aboutHe gave us a few handy hints (=useful hints) on gardening.givehintgarden他给了我们一些关于园艺的好建议。




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