

单词 wind
释义 windwindswindedwoundwindingwindwind2 /waɪnd/ verb (past tense and past participle wound /waʊnd/)1turn something around [intransitive and transitive] to turn or twist something long and thin several times, especially around something elsewind something around/round somethingWind the bandage around her arm.把绷带缠在她的胳膊上。2clock/machine/toy (also wind up) [transitive] to make a clock, machine, or toy etc work by turning a small handle several times3road/river [transitive] if a road, river etc winds somewhere, it has many smooth bends and is usually very long: The road wound up into the hills.windhill这条路弯弯曲曲﹐向上通向山中。4tape [transitive] to make a video cassette tape go forwards or backwardsPhrasal verbswind down phrasal verb1wind something ↔ down to gradually reduce the work of a business or organization so that it can be closed down completely2to rest and relax after a lot of hard work or excitement: It’s difficult to wind down after work. 工作之后很难放松下来。 3wind something ↔ down British English to make something, especially a car window, move down by turning a handle or pressing a buttonwind up phrasal verb1to be in an unpleasant situation or place after a lot has happened: He wound up in prison.wind他结果坐了牢。2wind something ↔ up to end an activity, meeting etc: Let’s wind things up.thing该结束了。3wind somebody ↔ up British English to say something that will annoy or worry someone, as a joke4wind something ↔ up British English to make something, especially a car window, move up by turning a handle or pressing a button




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