

单词 wonder
释义 wonderwonderswonderwonder2 noun1[uncountable] surprise and admiration SYN awein wonderThey listened to her tale in wonder.listen 他们惊奇地听她讲故事。We were filled with wonder.befill我们内心充满惊奇。2[countable usually plural] something that makes you feel admiration: the wonders of technologywonder科技的种种奇迹Phrasesdo/work wonders to be very good at solving a problem: This diet is supposed to work wonders.besupposewonder这种饮食据说有奇效。it’s a wonder (that) spoken used to say that something is surprising: It’s a wonder he didn’t go mad.他没有疯真是奇迹。(it’s) no/small/little wonder (that) spoken used to say that something does not surprise you: No wonder you feel sick after eating all that chocolate.eat你吃了那么多巧克力﹐怪不得会感到难受。




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