

单词 bring
释义 bringbringsbroughtbringingbringbring /brɪŋ/ verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle brought /brɔːt $ brɒːt/)1a)to take something or someone with you to a place: I brought these pictures to show you.bringpicture我带了这些照片给你看。bring somebody/something with youBring the children with you.child把孩子也一起带来吧。bring somebody/something to somethingOur teacher brought a real owl to class.bring我们的老师带了一只真的猫头鹰到课堂上。 b)to get something for someone and take it to thembring somebody somethingRob brought her a glass of water.bring罗布拿了一杯水给她。THESAURUS take2to move something somewherebring something out/up/down etcBring your arms up level with your shoulders.armshoulder举起手臂与肩齐平。She reached into her bag and brought out a pen.reachbring她伸手进包里﹐拿出一支钢笔。3to make something happen: The strikes brought chaos.strikebring罢工造成了混乱。His words brought a smile to her face (=made her smile).wordbring他的话使她脸上露出了笑容。bring something to an end/close etc (=make something stop)The trial was brought to a sudden halt.bebring庭审突然中止。Bring the sauce to the boil (=make it boil by heating it).把调味汁烧开。4if something brings people to a place, it makes them go there: The fair brings a lot of people to the town.bring集市吸引很多人来到镇上。5to make something available for people to have or enjoybring something to somebody/somethingInvestment has brought jobs to the region.havebringjob投资给该地区创造了就业机会。bring somebody somethingFootball brought him wealth and fame.bring足球给他带来了财富和名誉。Phrasescan’t bring yourself to do something to not be able to do something, especially because it is unpleasant: I couldn’t bring myself to look.我不忍心看。THESAURUS: bringbring to take something or someone to the place where you are now, or the place where you are going: I’ve brought a book you might like to read.bringRemember to bring your passport!take to take something or someone to another place: What clothes should I take?clotheshallHe was taken to hospital.betakeget (also fetch especially British English) to go to another place and bring something or someone back with you: I went upstairs to get my jacket.goFetch Mum – quick!Phrasal verbsbring something ↔ about phrasal verb to make something happen: The war brought about huge social and political changes.bringchange这场战争引起了巨大的社会和政治变动。THESAURUS causebring somebody/something around/round phrasal verb1bring the conversation around/round to something to deliberately and gradually change the subject of a conversation: Helen tried to bring the conversation around to the subject of marriage.try海伦试图将话题转到婚姻方面。2to make someone become conscious againbring something/somebody ↔ back phrasal verb1to return from somewhere with something or someonebring something/somebody ↔ back forI’ll bring back some sweets for the kids.sweetkid我会给孩子们带些糖果回来。2to start using something again that was used in the past: Some people want to bring back the death penalty.有些人想恢复死刑。3to make you remember something: Seeing him brought back a lot of memories.seebringmemory看到他唤起了许多回忆。bring somebody/something down phrasal verb1to reduce something to a lower level: Better farming methods have brought down the price of food.wellfarmmethodbring更好的农耕方法使食物的价格降低了。THESAURUS reduce2bring down a government/president etc to force a government etc to stop ruling a country3to make something or someone fall: An enemy plane was brought down by rocket launchers.bebringlauncher一架敌机被火箭筒击落了。bring something ↔ forward phrasal verb1to change the date or time of something so that it happens soonerbring something ↔ forward toThe meeting was brought forward to Wednesday.meetbebring会议提前至星期三举行。2formal to introduce new plans or ideas for people to discussbring somebody/something ↔ in phrasal verb1to introduce a new law: The council will bring in new regulations to restrict parking.regulationpark市政会将推出限制泊车的新规定。2to ask someone with special knowledge, skills etc to do a particular jobbring somebody in to do somethingThe FBI were brought in to help with the search.bebring联邦调查局被请来协助搜查。3to earn or produce an amount of money: The sale should bring in more than £2 million.shall这笔生意应能获利二百多万英镑。bring something ↔ off phrasal verb to succeed in doing something difficult SYN pull off: They brought off the most daring robbery in history.bringdare他们干了一宗史上最大胆的抢劫案。bring something ↔ on phrasal verb to cause a pain or an unpleasant situation: Stress can bring on a headache.压力能引起头痛。bring something ↔ out phrasal verb1to make something easier to notice: The spices bring out the flavour of the meat.spice这些香料使肉的味道更鲜美。2to produce something that will be sold to the public: They’re bringing out a new album next month.bring他们下个月将推出一张新的专辑。3bring out the best/worst in somebody to make someone show the best or worst part of their character: Becoming a dad has brought out the best in Dan.becomehavebringwell当了父亲把丹最好的一面都激发出来了。bring somebody ↔ together phrasal verb to make people do things together or feel more friendly to each other: War brings a community together.bring战争让社会团结起来。bring somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb1to start to talk about something SYN raise: She wished she’d never brought up the subject of money.wishbring她真希望她从没有提过钱这个话题。2especially British English to look after children until they are adults SYN raise American English: Rachel had been brought up by her grandmother.havebebring蕾切尔是由她祖母抚养长大的。bring somebody up to do something (=teach a child at home to behave in a particular way)We were brought up to be polite.bebring我们从小就被教导要有礼貌。well/badly brought up (=behaving well or badly because of the way you were taught at home)3British English if you bring food up, it comes back up from your stomach and out of your mouth SYN vomit




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