

单词 busy
释义 busybusierbusiestbusybusy1 /ˈbɪzi/ adjective1if you are busy, you have a lot of things to do: Alex is busy studying for his exams.bestudyexam亚历克斯在忙着学习﹐准备考试。busy withI’m busy with a customer at the moment. Can I call you back?我现在正忙着接待一位顾客﹐我回头再打电话给你好吗?There were lots of activities to keep the kids busy.belotactivitykid有很多活动让孩子们忙的。2a busy time is a time when you have a lot of things that you must do: I’ve had a really busy day.have我这一天非常忙。December is the busiest time of year for shops.bebusyshop十二月份是商店一年里最繁忙的时期。3a busy place is full of people or vehicles: a busy airport一个繁忙的机场The roads were very busy this morning.roadbe今天早上道路非常繁忙。4 especially American English a telephone line that is busy is being used SYN engaged British English—busilybusily adverbTHESAURUS: busybusy if you are busy, you have a lot of things to do. Also used about a time when you have a lot to do: We’re busy getting ready for the wedding.getIt’s been a busy week.behave a lot to do to have a lot of things you need to do: Hurry up, we have a lot to do today.We started early because we had a lot to do.starthavebe rushed off your feet especially British English to be very busy in a way that is very tiring, because you have too many things to do: Before Christmas, everyone is rushed off their feet.berushfootbe snowed under especially British English to have too many things that you have to deal with, so that you feel that you cannot deal with them all: I can’t stop for lunch – I’m completely snowed under.snowhectic a hectic time or situation is extremely busy, so that you are always hurrying: The president has a hectic schedule today.haveShe had a hectic social life.have




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