

单词 cast
释义 castcastscastingcastcast1 /kɑːst $ kæst/ verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle cast)1for a film/play to choose a particular actor for a part in a film, play etccast somebody as somebodyWho was cast as Harry Potter?be谁扮演哈利∙波特?2throw/send literary to throw something somewhere, or send something in a particular directioncast something across/on/into etc somethingThe fishermen cast their nets into the sea.fishermannet渔民把渔网撒入海中。The fire cast a soft light on her face.柔和的火光映在她的脸上。cast a look/glance at somebody/somethingShe cast an anxious glance at Guy.她焦急地瞥了盖伊一眼。3make [usually passive] to make an object by pouring hot metal into a hollow containercast something in/from somethinga statue cast in bronze一尊青铜铸像4vote cast a vote to vote in an electionPhrasescast doubt/suspicion on something to make people feel less certain about something: Recent information has cast doubt on the evidence.have最新的信息让人对这个证据产生了怀疑。cast an eye over something to read or look at something quickly: He cast an eye over the letter.他扫了一眼那封信。cast light on/onto something to explain something or provide new information about it: Can you cast any light on these figures?figure你能把这些数据解释一下吗?cast your mind back to try to remember something that happened in the pastcast toTry to cast your mind back to that first day at school.回想一下你第一天上学的情景。cast a shadow/cloud over something to make people enjoy something less or feel less happy: The bad news cast a shadow over his visit.这个坏消息给他的访问蒙上了阴影。cast a spell on/over somebody/something1to use magic to make something happen: witches casting spellswitchcastspell施法的女巫2to interest or attract people very much, as if by magic: Hong Kong casts a spell over its visitors as soon as they land.castvisitor游客一到达香港就被深深吸引住。Phrasal verbscast around/about for something phrasal verb to try to find or get something: On leaving school he cast around for a job.leave离开学校后他到处找工作。cast somebody/something ↔ aside phrasal verb to get rid of something or someone: Never cast aside your old friends.friend千万别对老朋友置之不理。cast off phrasal verb to untie the rope that fastens a boat to something




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