

单词 certain
释义 certaincertainercertainestcertaincertain /ˈsɜːtn $ ˈsɜːr-/ adjective1sure about something [not before noun] completely surecertain (that)I’m absolutely certain I left the keys here.leavekey我绝对肯定我把钥匙留在这里的。certain about/ofAre you certain about that?be你对那事肯定吗?certain what/how etcI’m not certain when it will happen.我不确定这种情况什么时候会出现。2sure to happen/be true sure to happen or be truecertain thatIt seems certain that she will win.seem她获胜看来是肯定的。certain to do somethingMany people look certain to lose their jobs.job许多人看来肯定要失业了。Prisoners faced certain death.prisonerface俘虏必死无疑。3particular [only before noun] used to talk about a particular person, thing etc without naming or describing them exactly: The work must be done by a certain date.do这项工作必须在某个日期之前完成。You are not allowed to park in certain areas.beallowarea在某些地方是不可以停车的。This only applies to certain people.apply这仅适用于某些人。4some some but not a lot: a certain amount of confusion一些困惑to a certain extent/degree (=partly but not completely)I agree with you to a certain extent.我在一定程度上同意你的看法。5difficult to describe difficult to describe exactly: She had a certain elegance.have她身上有一种优雅的气质。Phrasesfor certain without any doubt SYN for sureknow/say (something) for certainExactly what happened is not known for certain.happenbeknow无法确知到底发生了什么。make certain1to check that something is correct or truecertain (that)He made certain no one could see him.makecan他确定没有人看见他。2to do something in order to be sure something will happencertain (that)I’ll make certain he knows about it.know我一定要让他知道这件事。THESAURUS: certainsure believing that something is definitely true or correct: Are you sure Bill was there?bebecertain completely sure. Certain is more formal than sure: We are certain that you will find our website useful.beconvinced sure that something is true, even though you cannot prove it: She became convinced that he was in love with her.becomeconvincebepositive especially spoken completely sure that something is true, especially when other people are not sure: I’m positive you said we were meeting at seven.saybemeetsatisfied sure that you know the truth about something that has happened, because you have enough information: I am satisfied it was an accident.besatisfybeconfident sure that something good will happen or that you will achieve something: We are very confident of victory.beI’m confident that the show will be a great success.have no doubt (also be in no doubt) to have no doubts in your mind about something: I have no doubt that you’re right.




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