

单词 court
释义 courtcourtscourtcourt1 /kɔːt $ kɔːrt/ noun1law [uncountable and countable] the people who make a legal judgment, for example about whether someone is guilty of a crime, or the place where these judgments are made: the European Court of Justice欧洲法院The court decided that West was guilty.decidebe 法院裁定韦斯特有罪。a court of law 法院The court case lasted six weeks.lastweek 这个诉讼案持续了六星期。If they don’t pay, we’ll take them to court (=bring a legal case against them).要是他们不付钱的话﹐我们就把他们告上法院。He will appear in court today, charged with murder.charge他被控谋杀﹐今天将要出庭受审。2sports [countable] an area made for playing games such as tennis: a squash court壁球场on courtThe players are due on court in an hour.playerbe球员一小时后上场。3king/queen [countable] a)the place where a king or queen lives and works: the royal courts of Europecourt欧洲的皇家宫廷 b)the king or queen, their family, and their friends, advisers etc: Court officials denied the rumours.officialdenyrumour王宫大臣否认了传言。COLLOCATIONS: courtverbsto go to court (=to take legal action)The costs of going to court are very high.costgobeto take somebody to court (=to take legal action against someone)She took the company to court for sex discrimination.taketo appear in courtA man has appeared in court charged with cruelty to animals.haveappearchargeanimala court hears a case (=a case is presented to the court for a decision)The court will hear the case next month.a court rules somethingIf the court rules against you, you might have to pay legal costs.rulecostcourt + nouna court case (=a problem or crime that is dealt with in a court of law)a recent court case involving the death of a babyinvolvea court of lawYou may be asked to give evidence before a court of law.aska court ruling (=an official decision)The company appealed against the court ruling.appealruletypes of courta High Court (=an important court, with more power than an ordinary court)Their convictions were upheld in the High Court.convictionbeupholdthe Supreme Court (=the most important court in some countries or US states)The Supreme Court ruled in his favor.rulea magistrates’ court (=a local court which deals with less serious crimes)His case will be heard in the magistrates’ court.hearmagistrate




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