

单词 cover
释义 covercoverscovercover2 noun1for putting over something [countable] something that is put on top of or around something else to protect it: a cushion cover靠垫套2of a book/magazine [countable] the outer front or back part of a book, magazine etcfront/back coverHis picture was on the front cover of ‘Newsweek’.be他的照片上了《新闻周刊》的封面。I read the book from cover to cover.我从头到尾看完了这本书。3insurance [uncountable] British English the protection your insurance gives you, so that it pays you money if you are injured, something is stolen etc SYN coverage American English: temporary medical cover短期医疗保险cover for/againstcover against fire and theft火险与失窃险4shelter [uncountable] protection from bad weather or attack: We took cover under a tree.take 我们躲在一棵树下。Everyone ran for cover when the shooting started.runshootstart枪击发生时﹐所有人都四处躲避。5deceiving [singular] something that is used to hide what someone is really doing, especially because it is illegalcover forThe company is just a cover for the Mafia.be这家公司就是黑手党的幌子。I wasn’t sure they would believe my cover story.will我不肯定他们会相信我的托词。6on a bed the covers [plural] the sheets etc that are over you when you are in bed ➔ undercover




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