

单词 plead
释义 pleadpleadspleadedpledpleadingpleadplead /pliːd/ (also pledpled /pled/ American English) verb (past tense and past participle pleaded)1[transitive] to ask for something in an urgent and anxious wayplead with somebody (to do something)Amy pleaded with him to stay.plead爱美恳求他留下。2plead ignorance/illness/insanity etc to give a particular excuse for your actions: She stayed home from work, pleading illness.stayplead 她告病在家不去上班。3[intransitive and transitive] law to state in a court of law whether or not you are guilty of a crimeplead guilty/not guilty/innocentThe defendant pleaded not guilty.plead 被告不认罪。—pleadinglypleadingly adverb




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