

单词 after
释义 afterafterafter /ˈɑːftə $ ˈæftər/ preposition, linking word, adverb1when something has happened, or when someone has done something OPP before: What are you doing after class?bedo课后你干什么?After you called the police, what did you do?calldo报警后你做了什么?after doing somethingAfter leaving school, he worked in a restaurant.leavework离开学校后他在一家餐馆工作。the day/week/year etc after (something)I’ll see you again tomorrow or the day after.明天或后天再见。an hour/two weeks etc after (something)We left an hour after daybreak.leave我们在天亮一小时后出发。He discovered the jewel was a fake a month after he bought it.discoverbebuy他买了那件珠宝一个月之后发现是假的。soon/not long/shortly after (something)We arrived soon after they did.arrivedo他们到了不久﹐我们也到了。2when a particular amount of time has passed OPP before: After 10 minutes remove the cake from the oven.minute十分钟后把蛋糕从烤箱里取出来。After a while, the woman returned.return过了一会儿﹐那女人回来了。3following someone or something else in a list or piece of writing, or in order of importance: Whose name is after mine on the list?be名单上排在我后面的是谁的名字?After football, tennis is my favourite sport.be除了足球﹐网球是我最喜欢的运动。4following someone in order to stop or speak to them: Go after him and apologize.追上去向他道歉。5American English used to say how many minutes past the hour it is when saying the time SYN past British English: It’s ten after five.现在是5点10分。6because of something that has happened: I’m surprised he came, after the way you treated him.surprisecometreat我很奇怪﹐你那样对他,他竟然还来了。7when someone has left a place or has finished doing something: I spend all day cleaning up after the kids.cleankid我整天跟在孩子后面收拾。8in spite of something: After all the trouble I had, Reese didn’t even say thank you.have我费了那么大的劲﹐里斯却连谢谢也没有说。9be after somebody/something a)to be looking for someone or something: He’s always in trouble – the police are after him again.be他老是惹麻烦 — 警察又在找他了。 b)to want to have something that belongs to someone else: You’re just after my money!你只是想要我的钱!10be called/named after somebody to be given the same name as someone else: She was named Sarah, after my grandmother.bename她叫萨拉﹐取了我祖母的名字。Phrasesafter all1used to say that what you expected did not happen: Rita didn’t have my pictures after all. Jake did.picturedo丽塔到底还是没有我的照片﹐杰克倒是有。It didn’t rain after all.雨终究没有下。2used when saying something that shows why you are right: Don’t shout at him – he’s only a baby, after all.不要冲他大声叫嚷﹐他毕竟还只是个婴儿。day after day/year after year etc continuously for a very long time: Day after day we waited, hoping she’d call.waithope我们一天一天地等﹐希望她会打电话来。one after the other/one after another if a series of events or actions happen one after another, each one happens soon after the previous one: Ever since we moved here it’s been one problem after another.movebe自从我们搬到这儿后﹐麻烦一个跟着一个。THESAURUS: afterafter when something has happened, or a period of time has passed. You use after especially when talking about the past: After the concert, we went out for a meal.go She felt a lot better after a few days in bed.feelwelldayThey got married just after Christmas.getmarryin five minutes/a month etc five minutes, a month etc after now, or after a particular time: I’ll be ready in ten minutes.minuteIn a couple of days the exams would be over.dayexamwillThey’ll be arriving in about an hour.arrivewithin a month/two weeks etc after less than a month, two weeks etc – used especially when the time seems short: He was able to solve the problem within seconds.besecondHe developed a headache at lunchtime, and within two hours he was dead.develophourbetwo days/six weeks etc from now two days etc after now: Ten days from now I’ll be back in France.daylater some time after now, or after the time you are talking about: Let’s talk about it later.lateShe came back five minutes later.comeminutelate




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