

单词 chip
释义 chipchipschippedchippingchipchip2 verb (past tense and past participle chipped, present participle chipping)1 [intransitive and transitive] if you chip something, or if it chips, a small piece accidentally breaks off: She fell and chipped a tooth.fallchip她跌了一跤﹐磕掉了一颗牙齿。2[transitive] to break small pieces off somethingchip something away/offSandy chipped away the plaster covering the tiles.chipcovertile桑迪铲掉瓷砖上的灰泥。 —chippedchipped adjective: a chipped cupchip一只有缺口的杯子Phrasal verbschip away at something phrasal verb to gradually make something less effective or destroy it: The government is chipping away at our democratic rights.bechipright政府正在逐渐剥夺我们民主的权利。chip in phrasal verb1to interrupt a conversation by saying something: ‘It won’t be easy,’ Jeff chipped in.winchip“那可不容易。” 杰夫插了一句。2if each person in a group chips in, they each give a small amount of money so that they can buy something together SYN contribute: We all chipped in to buy Amy a present.chip我们大家凑份子给埃米买礼物。




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