

单词 human
释义 humanhumanerhumanesthumanhuman1 /ˈhjuːmən/ adjective belonging or relating to people: the human body 人体the power of the human mind 人脑的力量The accident was a result of human error (=a mistake made by a person, not a machine).be这事故是人为失误造成的。human weakness/failing (=a weakness that is typical of people)Jealousy’s one of the worst human failings.illfailing嫉妒是人性最大的弱点之一。Phraseshuman interest a quality that makes a story in a newspaper interesting because it is about someone’s life, relationships etc: The story lacks any kind of human interest.lack这则报道完全缺乏人文关怀。somebody is only human used to say that someone should not be blamed for what they have done: Referees are only human. Sometimes they make mistakes.refereebemistake裁判不过是普通人,他们有时也会犯错。




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