

单词 cold
释义 coldcoldercoldestcoldcold1 /kəʊld $ koʊld/ adjective1something that is cold has a low temperature OPP hot, warm: The house was cold and empty.be房子冷飕飕的﹐空荡荡的。We slept on the cold ground.sleepgrind我们睡在冰冷的地上。a blast of cold air一股寒气ice/stone/freezing cold (=very cold)freezing cold waterfreeze冰冷的水My coffee’s gone cold.go我的咖啡凉了。be/feel/look/get coldI feel so cold!我感觉冷极了!It's cold outside.外面很冷。The day was bitterly cold.be这天天气非常冷。2cold food is cooked, but is not eaten hot: a cold buffet冷餐会Serve the potatoes cold.potato马铃薯要冷吃。3without friendly feelings OPP warm: a polite but cold greetinggreet礼貌但冷冰冰的问候THESAURUS unfriendly—coldnesscoldnessescoldness noun [uncountable]Phrasesget/have cold feet informal to start to feel that you are not brave enough to do something: She was getting cold feet about getting married.begetfootgetmarry她对结婚感到害怕起来。give somebody the cold shoulder informal to deliberately ignore someone or be unfriendly to them, especially because they have upset or offended you: I tried to talk to her, but she gave me the cold shoulder.trygive我想和她说话,可她却对我冷眼相待。in cold blood in a cruel and deliberate way: innocent civilians murdered in cold bloodcivilianmurder被残忍杀害的无辜平民leave somebody cold if something leaves you cold, you are not at all interested in it: Most poetry leaves me cold.leave大部分诗歌我都不感兴趣。THESAURUS: coldcold having a low temperature: a cold winter dayThis room gets very cold at night.getIt’s cold outside!I’m cold!a cold drinkcool a little cold, especially in a pleasant way: a nice cool breezeIt’s cooler in the shade.coolchilly a little cold in a way that feels rather uncomfortable: a chilly nightIt’s getting chilly – you may need a coat.getfreezing very cold and very uncomfortable: It’s freezing outside.freezeThe freezing weather continued.freezecontinueI’m freezing!freezeicy very cold – used especially when the temperature is near or below zero: an icy windthe icy waters of the lakewaterdraughty British English, drafty American English a draughty room or building has cold air blowing in from outside, especially because the doors and windows do not fit well: Old houses can be very draughty.house




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