

单词 combine
释义 combinecombinescombinedcombiningcombinecombine /kəmˈbaɪn/ verb1[intransitive and transitive] to join or mix two or more things togethercombine something with somethingCombine the flour with the milk and eggs.egg将面粉与牛奶鸡蛋拌在一起。combined with somebody/somethingDiets are most effective when combined with exercise.dietbecombine节食和锻炼相结合是最有效的。The combined effects of the war and the drought resulted in famine.combineeffectresult战争和干旱的双重因素导致了饥荒。2[transitive] to do two different activities at the same timecombine something with/and somethingShe manages to combine family life with a career.manage她既能照顾家庭生活﹐又能兼顾事业。THESAURUS: combinemix to put different substances together, so that they become a single substance, or to put different styles, ideas, or other things together: If you mix blue and red, you get purple.Her books mix action with romance.bookcombine to mix things together. Combine is more formal than mix: Combine the butter and the sugar.The drug can be dangerous when combined with other drugs.combinedrugjumble to mix things together in an untidy way, so that they are not in any order: Their shoes were all jumbled together next to the back door.shoebejumbledilute to mix a liquid with water in order to make it weaker: If you prefer, you can dilute fruit juice with water.




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