

单词 cost
释义 costcostscostedcostingcostcost2 verb (past tense and past participle cost)1[linking verb] to have a particular price: This dress cost $75.这条连衣裙要 75 美元。How much did your computer cost?do你的电脑买来多少钱?cost somebody somethingA first class ticket will cost you a lot. 头等舱机票要花很多钱。it costs something to do somethingIt costs £6 to get into the museum.cost 博物馆门票 6 英镑。cost (somebody) a fortune/a bombThe meal cost a fortune. 这顿饭花了一大笔钱。not cost (somebody) a penny/a thingA kind word doesn’t cost you a thing.一句好话又不费什么。2[transitive] to make someone lose something importantcost somebody somethingThat one mistake cost him his life.就那一个错误要了他的命。3[transitive] (past tense and past participle costed) to calculate how much money is needed to pay for something: Have you costed your proposals?costproposal你计算过你的计划的成本吗?THESAURUS: costcost to have a particular price: The holiday cost us over £1,500.A new car will cost a lot of money.be especially spoken to cost a particular amount of money – used especially when asking or replying to someone’s question: ‘How much is this DVD?’ ‘It’s £15.’beThe tickets are $30 each.ticketbecome to something if a bill comes to a particular amount, that is the total amount you must pay: The bill for our meal came to $60.comeHow much did the building work come to?dobuildsell for something used when saying what people usually pay for something: His paintings normally sell for over $1 million.paintingretail at something to be sold for a particular amount in shops: The shoes retail at $49.95.shoe




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