

单词 concert
释义 concertconcertsconcertconcert /ˈkɒnsət $ ˈkɑːnsərt/ noun [countable] a performance given by musicians or singersCOLLOCATIONS: concertverbsto go to a concertDo you ever go to rock concerts?concertto give/do a concertThe Rolling Stones were due to give a concert that night.rollstonebeto put on a concert (=to arrange one)The school orchestra puts on a concert every summer.puttypes of concerta pop/rock/jazz/classical concertThe city has several good venues for classical concerts.havevenueconcerta live concertRadio 1 broadcasts live concerts as well as playing records.broadcastconcertplayrecordan open-air/outdoor concertI saw him play at a huge outdoor concert in New York.seeconcert + nouna concert hallThe concert hall was packed.bepacka concert ticketConcert tickets are available from $17.50.ticketbea concert tour (=a journey made by musicians to perform in different places)This year we did a concert tour of the United States.dounitestatea concert pianistHer ambition was to become a concert pianist.be




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