

单词 control
释义 controlcontrolscontrolcontrol1 /kənˈtrəʊl $ -ˈtroʊl/ noun1[uncountable] the power or ability to make someone or something do what you wantcontrol of/overBabies have very little control over their movements.babymovement 婴儿对于自己的肢体运动几乎没有控制能力。under control (=happening or behaving in the way you want)‘Do you need any help?’ ‘No, it’s all under control, thanks.’thank“你需要帮忙吗?”“不用﹐全都搞定了。谢谢。”out of control (=not happening or behaving in the way you want)The car spun out of control and hit a tree.spin汽车失控打转﹐撞上了一棵树。2[uncountable] the power to decide how a country, place, company etc is organized, and what it doescontrol ofThe family has control of the company.have 这个家族对这家公司拥有控制权。in control (of something)Rebel forces are still in control of the area.forcebe 叛军仍然控制着这个地区。China took control of the island in 1683.take中国于 1683 年取得该岛的控制权。3[uncountable and countable] when you limit something, or a rule, law etc that limits itcontrol ofthe control of inflation对通货膨胀的抑制control onThere are strict controls on international trade.becontrol 对国际贸易有严格限制。under control (=being prevented from increasing)Firefighters had the fire under control by midnight.firefighterhave到半夜的时候消防人员已经控制了火势。4[uncountable] the ability to remain calm, even when you are angry, upset, or excited: David lost control of himself and started yelling.losestartyell戴维失去自制﹐叫嚷了起来。5[countable] a thing that you press or turn to make a machine, television etc work: the TV remote control 电视机遥控器6[uncountable and countable] the place where something is officially checked: passport control 护照检查站 ➔ birth controlCOLLOCATIONS: controlverbsto have controlShe wants to have control over everything I do.wantto take/get controlThe police arrived and took control.arrivetakeYou need to get control of your life.to lose controlHe lost control of his car and crashed.losecrashto keep somebody/something under controlKeep your dog under control when walking near sheep.walkto get/go out of controlThe truck went out of control and overturned.gooverturn




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