

单词 count
释义 countcountscountedcountingcountcount1 /kaʊnt/ verb1calculate (also count up) [transitive] to try to find out how many people or things there are in a group: It took hours to count all the votes.takehourvote清点全部选票花了几个小时。2say numbers [transitive] to say numbers in the correct order: Can you count in Japanese?你会用日语数数吗?3consider as [transitive] to think of someone or something in a particular waycount somebody/something as somethingI’ve always counted Rob as one of my best friends.countwellfriend我一直把罗伯视为最要好的朋友之一。You should count yourself lucky that you weren’t hurt.shall你没有受伤﹐应该觉得幸运。4be important [transitive] to be important or valuablecount forFirst impressions count for a lot.impression第一印象很重要。5be allowed [transitive] to be allowed or accepted: You cheated, so your score doesn’t count.cheat你作弊﹐所以你的分数不算数。6include [transitive] to include someone or something in a total: There are five in our family, counting me.becount我们家五口人﹐包括我在内。Phrasescount me in/out spoken used to say that you want to be involved in something or do not want to be involved: I don’t want to go anywhere this evening – so count me out.even今晚我哪里也不想去,所以别把我算进去。don’t count your chickens (before they’re hatched) spoken used to say that you should not make plans that depend on something good happening, because it might not: You’ll probably get the job, but don’t count your chickens just yet.chicken你可能会得到这份工作,不过现在还别指望得太早。Phrasal verbscount on somebody/something phrasal verb1to depend on someone or something: You can always count on Doug in a crisis.在危急关头你总能依靠道格。2to expect something: We hadn’t counted on so many people coming.countcome我们没料到会来这么多人。count something ↔ out phrasal verb to put things down one by one as you count them: He counted out ten $50 bills.countbill他点出十张 50 美元的钞票。




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