

单词 cry
释义 crycriescriedcryingcrycry1 /kraɪ/ verb (past tense and past participle cried, present participle crying, third person singular cries)1 [transitive] to produce tears from your eyescry over/aboutWhat are you crying about?becry 你在哭什么?cry forthe sound of a baby crying for its mothercry 小宝宝哭着要妈妈的声音cry withShe could have cried with joy.cancry她高兴得差点儿哭了。2 (also cry out) [intransitive and transitive] written to say something loudly: ‘Stop!’ she cried.cry“停下!”她喊道。He cried her name out in anguish.cry 他痛苦地喊着她的名字。cry forvoices crying for helpvoicecry呼救声THESAURUS shout3[transitive] if animals or birds cry, they make a loud high sound ➔ a shoulder to cry on at shoulder1Phrasesbe crying out for something to need something urgently: We’re crying out for math teachers.cryteacher我们迫切需要数学老师。cry over spilt milk informal to worry about a mistake that cannot be changed: There’s no point crying over spilt milk.cryspill木已成舟,哭也没用。cry wolf to keep asking for help when you do not need it, so that when you really need help, no one believes you: Is he just crying wolf again?becry他是不是又在喊狼来了?THESAURUS: crycry to produce tears from your eyes, especially because you are unhappy or in pain: Don’t cry – everything will be all right.be in tears to be crying: She was in tears by the end of the film.betearburst into tears to suddenly start crying: Sara read the letter and burst into tears.tearbreak down to start crying after trying hard not to cry: After the funeral, he just broke down.breaksob to cry in a noisy way: I could hear someone sobbing in the next room.cansobweep written to cry – used in stories and written descriptions: The woman was weeping over the body of her son.beweepyour eyes water to have tears in your eyes, for example because of smoke, or when you are cutting onions: The onions are making my eyes water.onionbemakeeye




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