

单词 deliberately
释义 deliberatelydeliberatelydeliberately /dɪˈlɪbərətli/ adverb1done in a way that is intended or planned OPP accidentally: The fire was started deliberately.bestart这场大火是有人故意燃起的。2in a slow and careful way: He spoke very slowly and deliberately.speak他说话慢条斯理。THESAURUS: deliberatelydeliberately if you do something deliberately, you choose to do it, and it does not happen by chance: She deliberately waited until after they had left the room.waithaveleaveI think he’s deliberately avoiding me.avoidon purpose especially spoken deliberately, especially in order to annoy someone or get an advantage for yourself: I didn’t push her on purpose – it was an accident.beintentionally deliberately. Intentionally sounds a little more formal than deliberately and is used especially when saying that someone has thought carefully before doing something: The advertisement was intentionally misleading.bemisleadThe police couldn’t prove that she did it intentionally.do




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