

单词 die
释义 diediesdieddyingdiedie /daɪ/ verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle died, present participle dying, third person singular dies)1to stop living: He died at the age of 78.die他是 78 岁时去世的。die ofpatients who are dying of cancerpatientbedie奄奄一息的癌症病人die fromShe eventually died from her injuries.dieinjury她最终因伤致死。Mary died peacefully in her sleep.die玛丽在睡眠中安然辞世。The bullet entered his brain and he died instantly.enterdie子弹打进他的脑部﹐他当场死亡。2to disappear or stop existing: Poetry will never die. 诗歌永远不会消亡。Phrasesbe dying for something/to do something informal to want something very much: I’m dying for a beer.die我真想来杯啤酒。We’re dying to see what it is.diebe我们真想看看那是什么。THESAURUS wantbe dying of hunger/thirst/boredom etc to be very hungry, thirsty, bored etc: I was dying of boredom and couldn’t wait to leave.bedie我无聊死了,巴不得马上走。something is to die for informal used when saying that something is very good: The views are to die for.viewbe景色美得要命。Phrasal verbsdie away phrasal verb if something, especially a sound, dies away, it becomes weaker and stops: The footsteps died away.footstepdie脚步声渐渐消失。Her voice died away into a mumble.die她的话音越来越轻﹐后来成了嘟囔声。die down phrasal verb to become less strong, active, or violent: The excitement finally died down.die兴奋感终于过去了。die out phrasal verb to disappear or stop existing completely: All but three of the lake’s fish species have died out.die湖里的鱼除了三个品种之外全部灭绝了。THESAURUS: diedie to stop living because of old age, illness, or injury: Her father died last week.diethe men who died in the warmandiebe killed if someone is killed, they die in an accident, attack etc: Three people were killed when their car hit a tree.bekillEight people were killed in the explosion.bekillpass away formal a polite expression used to avoid saying ‘die’, in order to show respect or to not upset someone: The doctor told us that she’d passed away in the night.tellpasslose your life to be killed in a terrible event: Hundreds of people lost their lives when the ship sank.hundredloselivesink




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