

单词 dog
释义 dogdogsdogdog1 /dɒg $ dɒːg/ noun [countable]1 a very common animal with four legs, fur, and a tail. Dogs are often kept as pets or as working animals. ➔ puppy, bitch: I could hear a dog barking.canbark我听到一只狗在吠叫。2a male dog, fox, or wolf ➔ hot dogCOLLOCATIONS: dogverbsto have a dog (=to keep one as a pet)We have one dog and two cats.catto walk a dog (also to take a dog for a walk)Alison is out walking the dog.bewalka dog barks (=makes short loud sounds)I wish that dog would stop barking!willbarka dog growls (=makes a long deep angry sound)The dog growled at him, showing its teeth.growlshowtootha dog whines (=makes a long high sound because it is unhappy or in pain)I could hear the dogs whining outside the door.candogwhinea dog howls (=makes a long loud sound like a wolf)Our dog howls all day when he’s left alone.howlleavea dog bites somebodyTheir dog had bitten a little girl on the leg.havebitea dog wags its tail (=moves its tail to show pleasure)The dog was jumping around and wagging its tail.bejumpwagtypes of doga pet dogSome owners give their pet dogs too much food.ownerdoga family dog (=that belongs to a family)Labradors make a great family dog.a stray dog (=a pet dog that is lost)A stray dog followed them down the street.followa guide dog (=trained to guide a blind person)No dogs except guide dogs are allowed in the store.dogdogbeallowa guard dog (=trained to guard a building)The guard dog growled at him.growla police dog (=trained to help the police)Police dogs helped in the search for the missing child.doghelpmissa sniffer dog British English (=trained to find drugs or bombs)Sniffer dogs were used to search the building.dogbeusebuildnoun + doga breed of dog (=a type of dog)What breed of dog is it?bedog + noundog fooda can of dog fooda dog ownerDog owners must be responsible for controlling their animals.ownercontrolanimala dog lover (=someone who loves dogs)Britain is a nation of dog lovers.belover




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