

单词 drive
释义 drivedrivesdrivedrive2 noun1journey [countable] a journey in a car: Let’s go for a drive along the coast.我们开车沿着海岸兜兜风吧。Chris took the kids for a drive.takekid克里斯开车带着孩子们兜风。long/short driveIt’s a long drive home.开车回家要走很远路。2for parking [countable] a wide path that joins someone’s house to the street, which you can park on or drive down SYN driveway: There was a big Mercedes in the drive.be私人车道上停了一辆大奔驰。3street [singular] used in the names of small streets: They live at 28, Springfield Drive.他们住在斯普林菲尔德道28号。4natural need [countable] a strong natural need: the male sex drive 男性的性欲5planned effort [countable] a planned effort to achieve a particular result: Five hundred jobs have gone as part of an economy drive (=effort to save money).jobgo已经削减了500个职位,这是节省开支的措施之一。drive to do somethinga nationwide drive to crack down on crime打击犯罪的全国性运动6determination [uncountable] determination and energy to succeed: Mel’s got tremendous drive.get梅尔干劲十足。7on a computer [countable] a piece of equipment in a computer that can read and store information: a CD-ROM drive只读光盘驱动器8on a car/truck [uncountable] the power from an engine that makes the wheels of a vehicle go round: a truck with four-wheel drive一辆四轮驱动的卡车 ➔ disk drive, zip driveTHESAURUS: drivejourney especially BrE an occasion when you travel from one place to another – used especially about travelling a long distance, or travelling somewhere regularly: The journey to Chicago can take up to 8 hours.hourHow was your journey to work?betrip a journey to visit a place: Did you enjoy your trip to the zoo?doexpedition a long and carefully organized journey, especially to a dangerous or unfamiliar place: They were on an expedition to the North Pole.bedrive a journey in a car, often for pleasure: Do you want to go for a drive along the coast?ride a journey on a bicycle, motorcycle, or horse, or in someone’s car: We went for a bike ride in the park.goa short taxi ride




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