

单词 during
释义 duringduringduring /ˈdjʊərɪŋ $ ˈdʊr-/ preposition1through all of a period of time: During the summer she worked as a waitress.work暑假期间她找了份侍应生的工作。Foxes sleep during the day.fox狐狸白天睡觉。2at one point in a period of time: The car was stolen during the night.besteal汽车在夜间被偷了。Word Choice: during or for?You use during when saying that something happens at some point in a period of time:The baby was sick during the night.be宝宝在夜里生病了。You use for when saying how long something continues:I watched TV for a couple of hours.watchhour我看了几个小时的电视。Do not say ‘I studied French during five years.’ SayI studied French for five years.studyyear(我学过五年法语。)THESAURUS: duringduring through all of a period of time, or at one point in a period of time: During the war people had very little to eat.haveSomething woke me up during the night.wakeall through (also throughout) during all of a period of time – used when something is continuous: They were together all through the summer.beThroughout her career she has worked hard.haveworkover at some point or at various points during a period of days, weeks, months etc: It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few years.interesthappenyearOver the next ten days his condition became gradually worse.daybecomeillI’m going to decorate my bedroom over the holidays.goholidaywithin before a period of time has ended: Within a week she was starting to feel better.bestartwellThe debt must be paid within 30 days.payday




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