

单词 earth
释义 earthearthsearthearth /ɜːθ $ ɜːrθ/ noun1PLANET (also the earth, the Earth) the planet that we live on ➔ world: The earth revolves around the sun.revolve地球绕着太阳公转。The space shuttle returned to earth.return航天飞机返回了地球。on earthone of the hottest places on earthhotplace地球上最热的地方之一the future of planet Earth 地球的未来 ➔ see Word Choice at world2SOIL [uncountable] the substance that plants grow in SYN soil: the smell of wet earth湿土的气息THESAURUS ground3THE GROUND [uncountable] the hard surface of the world, as opposed to the sea or air: We watched in horror as the plane fell to earth.watchfall我们惊恐地看着飞机坠落地面。The earth began to shake beneath our feet.beginfoot大地开始在我们脚下摇晃起来。 4ON ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT [countable usually singular] British English a wire that makes a piece of electrical equipment safe by connecting it with the ground SYN ground American English ➔ down-to-earthPhrasescome down to earth/bring somebody down to earth to get back to your normal life again after a period of great excitement, or to make someone do this: After he won the Olympic gold medal, it took him a few weeks to come back down to earth.wintakeweek他获得奥运会金牌之后,过了数周才回到现实中来。cost/pay/charge the earth informal to cost, pay etc a very large amount of money: That dress must have cost the earth!那条裙子肯定贵得吓人!what/why/how etc on earth ...? spoken used to ask a question when you are very surprised or angry: What on earth did you do that for?do你做那事到底为了什么? THESAURUS: earththe ground the surface of the earth: It had been raining and the ground was very muddy.haveberaingrindbeHe collapsed and fell to the ground.collapsefallgrindthe floor the surface that you walk on when you are inside a building: The kitchen floor was covered in dust.becoverland an area of ground that someone owns, or that is used for a particular purpose: That’s private land.land for housinghouseearth/soil the substance that plants grow in: The soil here is good for growing vegetables.begrowvegetableIt was hot and the earth was hard and dry.bebe




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