

单词 eighty
释义 eightyeightyeighty /ˈeɪti/ number1the number 802the eighties (also the ’80s, the 1980s) [plural] the years from 1980 to 1989the early/mid/late eightiesThe band was very successful in the mid-eighties.be这支乐队在 80 年代中期极其走红。—eightietheightieth adjective: his eightieth birthday他的八十岁生日Phrasesbe in your eighties to be aged between 80 and 89early/mid/late eightiesHilda Simpson was a woman in her early eighties.be希尔达∙辛普森是个八十岁出头的妇人。in the eighties if the temperature is in the eighties, it is between 80 degrees and 89 degrees F: The temperature at the height of summer was often in the eighties.be盛夏时温度通常在华氏80多度。




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