

单词 shiver
释义 shivershiversshiveredshiveringshivershiver /ˈʃɪvə $ -ər/ verb [transitive] if you shiver, your body shakes slightly because you are cold or frightened SYN tremble: Come inside, you’re shivering.shiver 进来吧﹐你冷得打哆嗦了。shiver with cold/fear/delight etc—shivershiversshiver noun [countable]: His words sent a shiver down her spine.wordsend他的话让她脊骨发凉。—shiveryshivery adjectiveWord Choice: shiver or tremble?You usually shiver because you are cold:He stood shivering in the cold night air.standshiver他在夜晚的寒气中瑟瑟发抖。You can also shiver because you are very frightened: Anne hid behind the door, shivering with fear.hideshiver安妮躲在门后,吓得浑身颤抖。You tremble because you are very frightened, nervous, excited, angry, or upset:He trembled as he opened the letter.trembleopen打开信的时候他在颤抖。Her voice was trembling with anger.betremble她气得声音发抖。




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