单词 | fall |
释义 | fallfallsfellfallenfallingfallfall1 /fɔːl $ fɒːl/ verb (past tense fell /fel/, past participle fallen /ˈfɔːlən $ ˈfɒːl-/)1[transitive] to drop down towards the ground: Snow began to fall.begin开始下雪了。fall out of/fromThe glass fell from his hands.fallhand玻璃杯从他手中跌落。fall downSomething fell down the back of the fridge.fall有东西掉到冰箱后面了。2 [transitive] to suddenly go down onto the ground when you are standing, walking etc: I fell and hurt my leg.fall我跌了一跤﹐伤了腿。fall downHow did she fall down the stairs?dostair她是怎么摔下楼梯的?fall in/intoPete slipped by the pool and fell in.slipfall皮特在泳池边滑倒﹐掉进了水里。fall on/to your knees (=suddenly kneel)She fell on her knees and prayed.fallkneepray她跪下来祈祷。3[transitive] to go down to a lower level or amount OPP rise: The temperature fell below zero.fall气温降至零度以下。fall from/toProfits fell from $1.3 million to $750,000.profitfall利润从 130 万美元降到 75 万美元。Crime fell sharply (=by a large amount) last year.fall去年犯罪事件大幅下降。THESAURUS decrease4[intransitive, linking verb] to move into a different state: I was so tired I fell asleep at the table.betirefall我太累了﹐坐在桌边便睡着了。She fell in love with a younger man.fallyoung她爱上了一个比她小的男人。Everyone fell silent.fall所有人都沉默下来。fall intoThey quickly fell into debt.fall他们很快便负起了债。5[transitive] to be part of a particular group of thingsfall intoBoth books fall into the category of historical fiction.book两本书都属于历史小说的范畴。fall within/underThe matter fell within the jurisdiction of the court (=they were responsible for dealing with it).fall此事属法院管辖范围。6[transitive] to hang loosely: Maria’s hair fell in loose curls.fallcurl玛丽亚的鬈发披散下来。7[transitive] if light or shadow falls somewhere, it appears therefall on/across etcHis shadow fell across the staircase.fall他的影子落在楼梯上。8[transitive] to lose power: The government fell after only six months.fallmonth这个政府只有六个月就垮台了。9[transitive] to happen on a particular day or datefall onMy birthday falls on a Friday this year.fall今年我的生日适逢星期五。10[transitive] literary to be killed in a war: The monument was for all those who fell in the Great War.befall此纪念碑是为第一次世界大战中的所有阵亡将士而建。Phrasesdarkness/night falls it becomes dark in the evening: We arrived just as night was beginning to fall.arrivebebegin夜幕降临之际我们到了。sb’s eyes fall on something/sb’s gaze falls on something if your eyes fall on something, you notice it: Her eyes fell on a small object on the ground.eyefallgrind她的目光落在地上的一件小东西上。fall flat to fail to amuse or interest people: All my jokes fell flat.jokefall我讲的笑话都没把大家逗笑。fall into sb’s hands/clutches if something falls into someone’s hands, they get control over it and can use it to harm another person: These papers must not fall into the wrong hands.paperhand这些文件一定不能落入小人手里。fall into place if things fall into place, they become clear or start to happen as you want: Then it all fell into place and I realized what had happened.fallrealizehavehappen于是一切都明朗了﹐我知道发生了什么事。fall into a trap to make a mistake: Don’t fall into the trap of feeling guilty.feel不要陷入自责的误区。fall short to be less than is needed or less than you wantfall ofWe fell short of our sales target this month.fallsale这个月我们没有达到销售目标。fall to pieces/bits to break into many parts, especially because of being old: Her old car was falling to pieces.befallpiece她那辆旧车都快散架了。silence falls it becomes very quiet: Silence fell on the room.fall房间里安静下来。THESAURUS: fall (sense 2)sense 2fall (also fall over/down) to suddenly go down onto the ground when you are standing, walking etc: She fell and cut her knee.fallIt’s very slippery here. Careful you don’t fall over!collapse to suddenly fall down because you are very tired, weak, or ill: One of the runners collapsed during the race.runnercollapsetrip on/over something to hit your foot against something, so that you fall or almost fall: He tripped over a rock and fell flat on his face.tripfallI tripped on a branch.tripslip to slide on a smooth or slippery surface, so that you fall or almost fall: Annie slipped on the ice and hurt her ankle.slipstumble to almost fall because you put your foot down in an awkward way: The ground was rough and I kept stumbling.grindbekeepstumblelose your balance to become unsteady and start to fall over: He lost his balance when he was on top of the ladder.losebePhrasal verbsfall apart phrasal verb1to break into many pieces, especially because of being old: This house is falling apart.befall这房子摇摇欲坠。2to stop being effective or successful: The economy was falling apart.befall经济正在崩溃。fall back on something phrasal verb to use something or someone after other things or plans have failed: If talks fail, they must fall back on the law.talk如果谈判失败﹐他们必须依靠法律来解决。fall behind (somebody/something) phrasal verb to make progress more slowly than other people or than you should: He’s fallen behind at school.fall他在学校成绩落后。The project has fallen behind schedule.havefall这项工程已经误期了。fall for somebody/something phrasal verb1to be tricked into believing something that is not true: I told him I was French and he fell for it!tellbefall我告诉他我是法国人﹐他竟然就上当了!THESAURUS believe2to start to love someonefall off phrasal verb1if part of something falls off, it becomes separated from the main part: The handle fell off.fall 把手掉了下来。 2to decrease: Demand has fallen off recently.havefall近来需求减少了。fall out phrasal verb1to have a quarrelfall out withI don’t want to fall out with you.我不想和你争吵。2if a tooth or your hair falls out, it is no longer attached to your bodyfall over phrasal verb1fall over (something) to fall to the ground: I fell over on the ice.fall我在冰上摔了一跤。She fell over the step (=fell after hitting the step with her foot) and hurt herself.fall她在台阶上绊倒﹐伤着了。2fall over yourself to do something to be very eager to do something: They were falling over themselves to help her.befall他们都急着要帮她。fall through phrasal verb to fail to happen or be completed: The sale fell through at the last minute.fall这笔买卖在最后一刻落空了。fall to somebody/something phrasal verb if an unpleasant job falls to someone, they have to do it: It fell to me to tell them the bad news.fall把这个坏消息告诉他们的任务落在了我身上。 |
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