

单词 fantastic
释义 fantasticfantasticfantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ adjective1informal extremely good: You look fantastic.你看上去棒极了!What a fantastic house!多漂亮的房子!‘I got the job.’ ‘Fantastic!’get“我得到这工作了。”“太好了!”2a fantastic amount is very large3strange or unreal: fantastic tales of knights and dragonstaleknightdragon骑士和龙的奇幻故事—fantasticallyfantastically /-kli/ adverbTHESAURUS: fantasticgood used about something that you like, enjoy, or think is of a high standard: It’s a really good book.My French is not very good.benice good, pleasant, or enjoyable. Nice is very common in spoken English. In written English, it is better to use other words: You look really nice.Have a nice time!It’s such a nice day.wonderful extremely good: a wonderful poemexcellent extremely good – used especially when you are very pleased with something: Sam’s progress this term has been excellent.havebegreat/terrific/fantastic informal extremely good: That was a great film.beHer cooking is fantastic.cookbebrilliant British English informal extremely good: The play was absolutely brilliant.beneat American English informal good – used when you like something: That’s a really neat idea!a neat little gadgetattractive an attractive idea, offer, or suggestion seems good and you feel that you want to do it: A day by the sea sounded like an attractive suggestion.soundfine fine food, drink, clothes etc are of good quality. Fine weather is sunny: People come here to enjoy fine food and wines.wineIf it’s fine tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk.




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