

单词 catch
释义 catchcatchescaughtcatchingcatchcatch1 /kætʃ/ verb (past tense and past participle caught /kɔːt $ kɒːt/)1ball etc [transitive] to stop and hold something that is moving through the air: Tom leapt up and caught the ball.leapcatch汤姆跃起接住了球。catch somebody/something in somethingShe jumped and he caught her in his arms.jumpcatcharm她跳起来﹐他用双臂把她抱住。2stop somebody escaping [transitive] a)to stop a person or an animal that is running away: ‘You can’t catch me,’ she yelled over her shoulder.yell“你抓不到我的。”她回过头喊道。 b)to find a criminal and put them somewhere so that they cannot escape ➔ capture: The police have caught the man suspected of the murder.catchsuspect警方已经抓住了那个谋杀案嫌疑人。3fish/animal to get a fish or animal by using a trap, net, or hook: I haven’t caught anything all day.catch我一整天什么都没捕到。4see somebody doing something [transitive] to see someone doing something wrong or secretcatch somebody doing somethingI caught him looking through my letters.catchlookletter我撞见他正在偷看我的信件。The thieves were caught in the act.thievebecatch那些窃贼偷东西时被当场抓住。She was caught red-handed taking the money.becatchhandtake她偷钱时被逮个正着。5illness [transitive] to get an illness: Put your coat on or you’ll catch a cold.穿上外套﹐不然会感冒的。6train/plane/bus to get on a bus, train etc: I caught the 7.30 train to London.catch我乘了 7 时 30 分的火车去伦敦。7not be too late [transitive] to not be too late to see something, talk to someone etc OPP miss: We only caught the end of the movie.catch我们只赶及看到电影的结尾。If you hurry, you’ll catch her before she leaves.leave如果你赶紧的话﹐可以在她离开之前赶上她。8get stuck (also be/get caught) [transitive] to become stuck on or in something by mistake: His shirt caught on the fence and tore.catchtear他的衬衫钩在篱笆上撕破了。9make somebody notice [transitive] if something catches your attention, you notice it and feel interested in itcatch sb’s attention/interest etcOne article on the front page caught my attention.catch头版上的一篇文章引起了我的注意。10hit somebody [transitive] to hit a particular part of someonecatch somebody in/on somethingThe punch caught him in the face.catch这一拳打在他脸上。11cannot avoid something be caught in/without etc something to be unable to avoid an unpleasant situation: We were caught in the rain.becatch我们遇上了下雨。12not hear not catch something spoken to not hear clearly what someone says: I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.对不起﹐我没听清楚你的名字。THESAURUS hear13not expect catch somebody by surprise/unawares/off guard if something catches you by surprise, it happens when you are not expecting itPhrasescatch fire to start burning, especially accidentally: One of the plane’s engines caught fire.enginecatch飞机的一台引擎着火。catch the light if something catches the light, it is bright because of light shining on it: Her ring caught the light.catch她的戒指被光照得闪闪发亮。catch sight of/catch a glimpse of to suddenly see someone or something for a moment: Tony caught sight of Louisa in the crowd.catch托尼在人群中瞥见了路易莎。THESAURUS seecatch sb’s eye if an object catches your eye, you notice it because it is interesting or attractive: There was one red dress that really caught my eye.becatch有一条红色的连衣裙很吸引我。THESAURUS noticecatch you later spoken used to say goodbye: ‘I’m off now.’ ‘OK. Catch you later.’late“我要走了。”“好的﹐再见。”Phrasal verbscatch on phrasal verb1to become popular or fashionable: The idea never caught on in this country.catch这种观念从未在这个国家流行起来。2to begin to understand something: With careful training, a puppy will soon catch on.train只要细心训练﹐小狗很快就会明白的。catch somebody ↔ out phrasal verb British English to make someone make a mistake, especially by asking a difficult question: Some interviewers may try to catch you out.interviewer有些主持面试的人可能会有意为难你。catch up phrasal verb1to reach someone in front of you by going faster than themcatch up withI had to run to catch up with her.have我必须跑步才能赶上她。catch somebody upYou go ahead, and we’ll catch you up.你先走吧﹐我们会赶上来的。2to reach the same standard as other people: If you miss classes, it’s difficult to catch up.class如果你缺课的话就很难赶上。3be/get caught up in something to become involved in something, especially without wanting to: young people who get caught up in crimecatch卷入犯罪活动的年轻人catch up on something phrasal verb to do something that you have not had time to do yetcatch up on something onI need to catch up on some work this weekend.这个周末我要补做一些工作。




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