

单词 vain
释义 vainvainervainestvainvain /veɪn/ adjective1disapproving too proud of yourself, especially of your appearance ➔ vanity: Men can be so vain.man男人有时候非常自负。2vain attempt/hope etc a vain hope or attempt is not successful—vainlyvainly adverbPhrasesin vain without success: Doctors tried in vain to save his life.doctortry医生试图挽救他的生命﹐但是回天乏术。THESAURUS: vainproud feeling pleased with something you, your family, or your country have achieved, or with something you own: I’m very proud of my son.The people are proud of their culture.bearrogant behaving in an unpleasant and annoying way that shows you think you are better and know more than other people: His arrogant manner was beginning to annoy me.bebeginDon’t be so arrogant!vain very pleased with yourself, especially your appearance, in a way that annoys people: She’s so vain – she’s always looking in the mirror.lookconceited thinking that you are very intelligent, skilful, attractive etc, especially without good reason: He was so conceited that he thought he couldn’t fail.bethinkbig-headed informal thinking that you are very intelligent, skilful etc, because you have been very successful: Stop praising him or he’s going to get big-headed!praisegoheadTheir admiration was making her big-headed.bemakeheadpompous someone who is pompous tries to sound important, especially by using long or formal words: a pompous speechI wish he’d stop being so pompous.beWord Choice: vain or proud?Someone who is vain is too concerned about their appearance, or has too much confidence in their abilities:He was so vain that he thought that women could not resist him.bethinkwomancan他是如此虚荣,以至于他认为女人无法抗拒他。Someone who is proud is very pleased with what they have done, or someone in their family, country etc has done:She was proud of her son’s achievements.beachievement她为儿子的成就感到骄傲。




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