

单词 hopeless
释义 hopelesshopelesshopeless /ˈhəʊpləs $ ˈhoʊp-/ adjective1certain to fail if something you try to do is hopeless, it is certain to fail: It was a hopeless task.be这是一项不可能完成的任务。2very bad very bad and not likely to get better: The situation seemed hopeless.seem局势看起来无可挽救了。3very bad at something especially British English informal very bad at doing somethinghopeless atI’m hopeless at spelling.spell我拼写很差。hopeless withHe’s hopeless with machinery.他对机械一窍不通。4without hope feeling that you have no hope: a hopeless look on her face她脸上的绝望表情—hopelesslyhopelessly adverb




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