

单词 length
释义 lengthlengthslengthlength /leŋθ/ noun1 [uncountable and countable] the distance from one end of something to the other end ➔ breadth, widthlength ofWhat’s the length of the room?这间房的长度是多少?2 feet/8 metres etc in lengthThe whale measured three metres in length.measuremetre那条鲸身长三米。She walked the full length of the train (=all the way along the train).walk她从火车的一头走到另一头。2[uncountable and countable] the amount of time that something continues forlength ofthe average length of prison sentencessentence平均刑期3shoulder-length/knee-length etc reaching as far as your shoulders, knees etc: knee-length shortsshort长及膝盖的短裤4[countable] a piece of something that is long and thinlength oftwo lengths of ropelength两段绳子 ➔ full-lengthPhrasesat length1for a long time: He spoke at length about his experiences.speakexperience他大谈他的经历。2literary after a long time: ‘I think not,’ he said at length.say“我不这样认为。”他最后说道。go to great/some/any etc lengths (to do something) to try very hard or to do whatever is necessary to achieve something: She went to great lengths to help us.golength她竭尽全力帮助我们。




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