

单词 fare
释义 farefaresfarefare1 /feə $ fer/ noun1[countable] the amount you pay to travel by train, plane, bus etcbus/train fareWhat’s the bus fare into town?去镇上的公共汽车费是多少?air/rail fare2[uncountable] food, especially food served in a restaurant: They serve traditional fare.他们供应传统食物。THESAURUS: farecost the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy or do something: The cost of fuel keeps going up.keepgoCompanies are always looking at ways of cutting costs.companybelookwaycutcostprice the amount of money that someone wants you to pay for something: Their prices are much lower than other supermarkets.pricebelowsupermarketCan you ask him to lower the price?lowHow much is the price of a plane ticket to New York?beThey sell good-quality clothes at reasonable prices.clothepricevalue the amount of money that something is worth: The value of your shares can go down as well as up.shareThey estimated the value of the painting at between $15,000 and $20,000.estimatepaintcharge the amount that you have to pay for a service or to use something: There is a small charge for using the Internet in your hotel room.beusebank chargeschargefee the amount you have to pay to enter a place or join a group, or for the services of a professional person such as a lawyer or doctor: The entrance fee is £5.beLawyers’ fees can be very expensive.lawyerfeeMy gym membership fee is £30 a month.befare the amount you have to pay to travel somewhere by bus, plane, train etc: How much is the train fare from London to Paris?bePlane fares are still surprisingly cheap.farebe




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