

单词 fashionable
释义 fashionablefashionablefashionable /ˈfæʆənəbəl/ adjective popular or thought to be good at a particular time OPP unfashionable: Black is very fashionable now.be眼下黑色十分流行。 It was fashionable to be thin.be那时流行瘦。fashionable restaurant/shop/club etc—fashionablyfashionably adverb: a fashionably dressed young mandress一名衣着时髦的年轻男子。THESAURUS: fashionablefashionable popular at a particular time: Short skirts are fashionable again.skirtbeHer books were fashionable in the 1980s.bookbetrendy informal modern and fashionable – often used about places or people that you think try too hard to be fashionable: The area is full of smart shops and trendy restaurants.beshoprestaurantHis sunglasses looked very trendy.looka trendy boutique in Parisin fashion popular, especially for a short time – used especially about clothes: What’s in fashion this summer?in informal popular now: Purple is in this year.be London is definitely the in place to be.be




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