

单词 finish
释义 finishfinishesfinishedfinishingfinishfinish1 /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ verb1 (also finish off) [intransitive and transitive] to come to the end of doing or making something OPP start: Have you finished your homework?finish你的功课做完了吗?finish doing somethingLet me just finish typing this report.type让我把这份报告打完就好。I’ve done most of the work – I’ll finish it off tomorrow.do我已经干了一大半 — 明天就做完。finish (something) with something (=do something as the last thing)He used to finish his act with a song.use他过去常常以一首歌曲来结束表演。2[transitive] especially British English if an event or activity finishes, it stops happening: What time does the concert finish?do音乐会什么时候结束?THESAURUS end3 (also finish up/off) [transitive] to eat, drink, or use all the rest of something: Finish your breakfast before it gets cold, Tom.get趁热把早餐吃完﹐汤姆。Who finished off the cake?finish谁把蛋糕吃光了?4finish second/third etc to be in second, third etc position at the end of a race, competition etc: He finished second in the 100 metres.finishmetre他在百米赛跑中获得第二名。Phrasal verbsfinish up phrasal verb British English informal to arrive at a particular place, after going to other places first: We finished up in Rome after a three-week tour.finish旅行了三星期﹐我们最后来到了罗马。finish with somebody/something phrasal verb1have/be finished with something to no longer need to use something: Have you finished with the scissors?finishscissor你用完剪刀了吗?2British English to end a romantic or sexual relationship with someone: He’s finished with Elise after all these years.finishyear交往这么多年﹐他终于和艾莉斯分手了。THESAURUS: finishto finish doing somethingfinish: I’ve finished my work for today.finishLet me know when you’ve finished.finishcomplete to finish making, writing, or doing something, especially when this takes a long time. Complete sounds more formal than finish: The building will be completed in two years’ time.buildcompleteyearfinalize to finish all the arrangements for something to happen: They’re still finalizing all the preparations for the wedding.finalizepreparationThe deal was finalized late last night.befinalizehave done especially spoken if you have done your work, you have finished it: Have you done your homework yet?doget something over with informal to finish something that you do not want to have to do: It’s good to get the exams over with.exam




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