

单词 fit
释义 fitfitterfittestfitfit2 adjective1suitable or good enoughfit forThis book is not fit for publication!be这本书不宜出版!After the party he was not in a fit state to drive.be他参加完聚会﹐状态不适宜开车。2especially British English healthy and strong, especially because you exercise regularly OPP unfit: Jogging helps me keep fit.joghelp慢跑帮助我保持健康。He was young and physically fit.be他年轻健壮。 ➔ keep fitTHESAURUS healthyPhrasessee/think fit to do something to decide that it is right to do something, even though other people may disagree: Do whatever you think fit.做凡是你认为合适的事。THESAURUS: fithealthy: I feel much healthier now that I’ve lost weight.healthylosehealthy foodsfooda healthy lifestylewell healthy – used especially when talking about how someone feels or looks: I don’t feel well.You look well! Have you been on holiday?befine spoken used especially when replying to someone’s question, when saying that you feel good or another person feels good: ‘Hi, Chris, how are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’bethank‘How’s Sue?’ ‘She’s fine.’better less ill than you were, or no longer ill: My cold’s almost gone and I’m feeling a lot better.gofeelwellDon’t come back to school until you’re better.wellfit healthy and strong, especially because you exercise regularly: I wanted to keep fit so I started doing aerobics classes.wantstartdoclassPolice officers have to be physically fit and have good eyesight.officer




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