

单词 flat
释义 flatflatsflatflat2 noun [countable]1place to live British English a set of rooms for someone to live in that is part of a larger building SYN apartment American English: a two-bedroom flat一套有两间卧室的公寓a block of flats (=a large building with many flats in it)flat一栋公寓楼2tyre a tyre that does not have enough air inside: The car has a flat.have汽车有个轮胎瘪了。3music a musical note that is slightly lower than the usual note, or the sign (♭) used in written music to show this note4land flats [plural] an area of land that is at a low level, especially near water: mud flatsflat泥滩5flat part the flat of something the flat part or side of something: He hit the desk with the flat of his hand.他用手掌拍桌子。




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