

单词 flow
释义 flowflowsflowedflowingflowflow2 verb [transitive]1if something flows, it moves in a smooth steady wayflow over/down/through etcThe River Elbe flows through the Czech Republic.flow易北河流经捷克共和国。A steady stream of cars flowed past her window.carflow汽车源源不断地从她窗前经过。2if words, ideas, or conversations flow, they continue easily without stopping: After dinner, the conversation flowed freely.flow晚饭后﹐大家畅所欲言。3if clothing or hair flows, it hangs down loosely in an attractive way: Her hair flowed down her back.flow她的头发披垂在背后。—flowingflowing adjective: a fast-flowing riverflow一条湍急的河流long flowing hairflow飘拂的长发




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