

单词 force
释义 forceforcesforcedforcingforceforce2 verb [transitive]1to make someone do something they do not want to doforce somebody to do somethingMany companies have been forced to close.companybeforce很多公司被迫关门。I had to force myself to get up this morning.have今天早上我得强迫自己起床。force somebody into (doing) somethingBad health forced him into retiring.forceretire身体不好迫使他退休。force somebody out of somethingHe was worried he might be forced out of his home.beworryforce他担心自己可能会被赶出家门。THESAURUS must2to use physical strength to move something or go somewhereforce your way through/into etc somethingBurglars had forced their way into the house.burglarhaveforce盗贼闯入了那幢房子。force a door/lock/window (=open a door etc using physical strength)He forced open the box.force他撬开了箱子。3to make something happen: The scandal forced his resignation.force这宗丑闻迫使他辞职。an event which forced the pace of changeforce加快变革步伐的一起事件force prices/rates etc down/upThe effect will be to force down wages.wage造成的结果将会是压低工资。4force a smile/laugh to smile or laugh even though you are angry or upsetPhrasal verbsforce something on/upon somebody phrasal verb to make someone accept something that they do not want: I hate it when people try to force their views on me.view我讨厌别人把自己的观点强加给我。THESAURUS: forceforce somebody to do something to make someone do something they do not want to do – used when a person or a situation does this: She was forced to marry him.beforceThe bad weather forced us to stay indoors.forcemake somebody do something to force someone to do something, especially using threats or violence: The men made us lie down on the floor.manmakeI made him promise that he would never do it again.makewillput pressure on somebody to keep trying to force someone to do something by making them feel that they should do it: Don’t put pressure on your child to study all the time.compel to make you feel that you must do something, or to officially force someone to do something: I felt compelled to leave.feelcompelNo one can compel you to do it.The town was completely surrounded and they were compelled to surrender.besurroundbecompel




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