

单词 focus
释义 focusfocusesfocusfocus2 AC noun1[singular] the person or subject that people pay special attention tofocus ofthe main focus of his speech他演讲的重点focus of attention/interestHis private life became the focus of media attention.becomemedium他的私生活成了媒体关注的焦点。focus forThe town became the focus for new development in the area.become这个镇成为那地区新开发的重点。2[uncountable] if your focus is on something, it is what you give most attention tofocus onThe school’s focus is on basic reading and writing skills.bereadwriteskill这所学校重视基础阅读和写作技巧。Phrasesin focus if a photograph is in focus, you can see the picture clearly: Everything is nicely in focus in this shot.beshoot这张照片里一切都拍得很清晰。out of focus if a photograph is out of focus, you cannot see the picture clearly: Unfortunately, large areas of the photograph are out of focus.areabe很遗憾,照片里很大部分都显得模糊。




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