

单词 appetite
释义 appetiteappetitesappetiteappetite /ˈæpətaɪt/ noun [uncountable and countable]1a desire for food: I seem to have lost my appetite lately.lose我最近好像没有食欲。2a desire or liking for a particular activityappetite forher amazing appetite for workamaze她惊人的工作欲COLLOCATIONS: appetiteverbsto have an appetiteShe had no appetite, but she tried to eat.havetryto lose your appetiteI was so excited I completely lost my appetite.beexciteloseto give somebody an appetiteThe walk has given us an appetite.havegiveto spoil/ruin your appetite (=to make you not feel like eating a meal)Don’t eat that now – it will spoil your appetite for dinner.adjectivesa big/huge appetiteAll our family have huge appetites.appetitea good/healthy appetiteHe seems fine – he certainly has a good appetite.seemhavea small appetiteThe reason she stays so slim is that she only has a small appetite.staybehavea poor appetite (=when you do not want to eat enough)A poor appetite may be a sign of illness.




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