

单词 gag
释义 gaggagsgaggag2 noun [countable]1informal a joke or funny story2a piece of cloth used to gag someoneTHESAURUS: gagjoke something that you say or do to make people laugh: Have you heard the joke about the man who found a frog in his soup?hearfindIt was just a joke.beWe all sat around telling jokes.sittelljokepun (also play on words) a joke made by mixing up two different meanings of the same word, or two words with the same sound: a pun on the words ‘bear’ and ‘bare’wordThe title of the book is a witty play on words.bewordShakespeare used a lot of puns for comic effect.usepungag a short joke, especially one told by a professional entertainer: He’s good at telling gags.tellgag




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