

单词 game
释义 gamegamesgamegame1 /geɪm/ noun1[countable] an activity or sport in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules: We used to play games like chess.usegame我们过去经常玩象棋之类的游戏。2[countable] an occasion when two teams or people play a sport or gamegame ofHow about a game of cards?card打一场牌怎么样?3games [plural] a)an organized sports event: The Olympic Games are held once every four years.gamebeholdyear奥运会每四年举办一次。 b)British English a lesson at school in which children do sport SYN PE: We’ve got games this afternoon.getgame我们今天下午有体育课。4[countable] an activity in which children playgame ofa game of hide-and-seek捉迷藏游戏The children are playing a game in the backyard.childbeplay孩子们在后院里玩游戏。5sb’s game how well someone plays a game or sportimprove/raise your gameHe’s taking lessons to improve his game.takelesson他在上课学习提高自己的运动技能。6[uncountable] wild animals and birds that are hunted for food or as a sport ➔ ball gamePhrasesbe a game if something is a game, it is done for fun, not for serious reasons: He doesn’t care about money – it’s all just a game to him.他不在乎钱——钱在他眼里没什么。ahead of the game if you are ahead of the game, you are more likely to be successful than the other people, organizations etc that you are competing with: Companies like to stay ahead of the game by finding out what their competitors are doing.companyfindcompetitorbedo各家公司都想通过了解对手的行动而占得先机。give the game away to accidentally say something that lets someone guess a secret: You’d better not say any more, or you will give the game away.well你最好不要再说了,否则就要说漏嘴了。play games to behave in a way that is dishonest or not serious: We want a deal. We’re not interested in playing games.interestplaygame我们要生意﹐没有兴趣玩游戏。COLLOCATIONS: gameverbsto play a gameHave you ever played this game before?playto have a game British EnglishLet’s have a game of football.to see/watch a gameI saw the game on television.seeto win/lose a gameThey’ve won their last three games.wingameArsenal lost the game because of a mistake by their goalkeeper.losetypes of gamea computer/video gameHe spends hours playing computer games.spendhourplaygamea card gameI never play card games for money.gamea board gameIf it’s wet, we could play cards or a board game.cancarda team gameCricket is a team game.bea party gameThe children enjoyed the party games.childenjoygamea basketball/baseball etc gameHe was watching a baseball game on TV.bewatcha home game (=played at a team’s own sports field)Swindon’s next home game is against Newcastle.bean away game (=played at an opposing team’s sports field)We didn’t win any away games last season.gameTHESAURUS: game (SENSE 2)SENSE 2game an occasion when two teams or people play a sport or game: Do you want a game of football?I watched the basketball game last night.watchmatch an organized event in which two teams play football, cricket, rugby etc. Match is used especially in British English. You do not say ‘a basketball/baseball match’. You say a basketball/baseball game: Australia won the match against Sri Lanka.winfinal the last and most important game in a competition. The winner of the final wins the competition: Brazil will play Italy in the World Cup final.semi-final British English, semifinal American English one of two games whose winners compete against each other in the final game of a competition: He was knocked out of the tournament in the semi-finals.beknockfinalround one of the parts of a game that you must win in order to compete in the next part: She beat Davenport in the third round of the US Open.




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