

单词 go
释义 gogoeswentgonegoinggogo1 /gəʊ $ goʊ/ verb (past tense went /went/, past participle gone /gɒn $ gɒːn/, third person singular goes)1[transitive] to leave somewhere and move or travel somewhere else ➔ come: Should I stay or go?shall我应该留下来﹐还是走呢?Where are you going?bego你去哪里?go to/into/inside etcMom went into the kitchen.go妈妈走进厨房。Let’s go home.我们回家吧。THESAURUS leave2[intransitive and transitive] to travel: It took an hour to go ten miles.takemil十英里路走了一小时。You’re going too fast.go你走得太快了。go by bus/plane/bike etcIt’s easier to go by train.easy坐火车方便一些。THESAURUS travel3[transitive] to move or travel somewhere in order to do something or be at an eventgo for a walk/drink/meal etcShall we go for a swim?我们去游泳好吗?go shopping/swimming/skiing etcLucy and Paul have gone shopping.goshop露茜和保罗去购物了。go to do somethingMick’s gone to buy a paper.go米克买报纸去了。go (and) do somethingGo see who’s at the door.去看看门口是谁。He had a party but not many people went.havego他搞过一次聚会﹐但去的人不多。go toShe goes to a lot of meetings.gomeeting她经常去开会。4go flying/rushing/crashing etc to move somewhere in a particular way: The ball went flying over my head.gofly球从我头上飞过。5 be going to do something used to talk about what will happen or what someone intends to do in the future: It’s going to rain.go快要下雨了。I’m going to tell him what you did.godo我要把你所做的事告诉他。THESAURUS intend6[transitive] to reach or lead to a particular placego to/down etcDoes this road go to the airport?do这条路去机场吗?7[linking verb] to become: The company went bankrupt.go公司破产了。go bad/sour etcThe milk has gone sour.havego牛奶酸掉了。go grey/red/brown etcMy hair’s going grey.go我的头发日渐花白了。go deaf/blind/mad etcI think she’s going deaf.go我想她日渐耳聋了。THESAURUS become8[transitive] to happen or develop in a particular way: How did your interview go?do你的面试进行得怎么样?go well/fine/wrong etcEverything started to go wrong.start一切都开始不顺起来。how are things going?/how’s it going? (=used to ask about someone’s life, work, or progress)9[transitive] to belong or fit in a particular place or positiongo in/onDictionaries go on the bottom shelf.dictionary词典放在底层架子上。It won’t all go in one suitcase.win一个箱子放不下所有这些东西。10[transitive] to be sent or passed ongo to/by/through etcThe e-mail went to everyone in the company.go这个电子邮件发给了公司的每一个人。11[linking verb] to be or remain in a particular statego unheard/unanswered/unnoticed etcHer cries for help went unheard.crygo她的呼救没有人听见。Many people went hungry (=did not have enough to eat) during the war.go战时有许多人忍饥挨饿。12[transitive] if a machine goes, it works: My car won’t go.win我的汽车开不动。13[intransitive and transitive] to make a sound: The balloon went pop.go气球啪的一声爆了。A bell goes at the end of break.go休息结束时有铃声响起。14[transitive] used when you are showing or describing what someone did or what something is like: She went like this with her hand.go她的手这样动着。I can’t remember how the story goes.go我不记得这个故事怎么讲了。15[transitive] spoken informal to say something: She went, ‘Are you coming?’ and I went, ‘No.’gobecomego她说:“你去吗?” 我说:“不去。”16[transitive] to disappear: Has your headache gone yet?havego你头痛好了吗?17[transitive] to become weak or damaged, or stop working: Dad’s hearing is starting to go.hearbestart爸爸的听力开始衰退了。One of the lights has gone.lighthavego有一盏灯不亮了。18[transitive] if money goes, it is spentgo onMost of her money goes on rent.gorend她的大部分钱都花在房租上。19[transitive] if time goes, it passes: The hours go so slowly at work.hour上班的时候时间过得真慢。20[transitive] to look or taste good together: Pink and yellow just don’t go.粉红色和黄色就是不配。go with/togetherThis wine would go well with fish.will这种葡萄酒配鱼吃很好。 ➔ no-go areaPhrasesdon’t go doing something informal used to tell someone not to do something: Don’t go making a mess.make不要弄得乱七八糟。have gone and done something informal used when you are annoyed by what someone has done: He’s gone and broken it!gobreak他居然把它打破了!here/there somebody goes again informal used when someone has annoyed you by doing something several times: There you go again, blaming me!blame你又来了﹐总是怪我!to go1still remaining: Only two weeks to go before the holidays!weekholiday离放假只有两周啦!2used to say that you want to take food away from a restaurant to eat it: I’ll have large fries to go.fry我要大份薯条﹐带走。Word Choice: have gone or have been?If someone has gone somewhere, they are still there now: He has gone to his sister’s house (=he is there now).havego他去他姐姐家了。If someone has been somewhere, they have visited that place at some time in their life: ‘Have you ever been to Tokyo?’ ‘Yes, I have.’be“你去过东京吗?” “去过。”You use went if you mention the time or date when someone visited a place: I went there when I was six/last year/in 2004 etc.gobe我六岁时/去年/2004年等去那里的。 Do not say ‘I have been there when I was six/last year etc.’THESAURUS: gogo to move or travel to another place: She’s gone to the bank.goHe went over to the window.goIt’s time to go now.make your way to go somewhere slowly, carefully, or with difficulty: I made my way to the front of the audience.makehead to go in a particular direction – used especially about ships, planes, cars etc: The ship was heading for South America.beheadproceed formal to go to a particular place – used especially in announcements telling people where to go: Passengers for Miami should proceed to Gate 15.passengershallbe off to something informal to be going to go somewhere now or very soon – used to tell someone where you are going: I’m off to school now – see you later!latePhrasal verbsgo about something phrasal verb to do something or begin doing something: You’re going about this the wrong way.go这个你这样做不对。go about doing somethingHow do you go about finding work?find你怎么去找工作?go after somebody/something phrasal verb to try to catch someone or get something: They both went after the same job.go他们俩在争取同一份工作。go against somebody/something phrasal verb1to be or do the opposite of what someone believes, wants, advises etc: Lying to him goes against all my principles.liegoprinciple对他撒谎完全违背我的原则。2if a decision, vote etc goes against you, you do not get the result that you wanted: His lawyer is afraid the case will go against him.be他的律师担心案情会对他不利。go ahead phrasal verb to happen or continue to do something as planned: The railway strike looks likely to go ahead.look这次铁路罢工看来有可能还会继续。go ahead withAre you going ahead with the conference?bego你打算继续开会吗?go along phrasal verb as you go along while doing something, without previous planning or preparation: I made the story up as I went along.makego这个故事我是现编现讲的。go along with somebody/something phrasal verb to agree with or support someone or something: I’m happy to go along with your suggestion.我愿意听从你的建议。go around (also go roundgo round British English) phrasal verb1to behave or dress in a particular waygo around doing somethingYou can’t go around accusing people like that.accuse你不能那样到处指责别人。go around with/in etcShe goes around in a T-shirt all the time.go她总是穿着一件T恤衫到处跑。2if an illness or a piece of news is going around, it is being passed from one person to another: There’s a rumour going around that they’re engaged.goengage到处有传言在说他们订婚了。3go around with somebody/go around together to be friends and spend a lot of time with someone4enough/plenty to go around enough for everyonego at something phrasal verb to start to do something with a lot of energy: She went at the task with enthusiasm.go她热心地干起了那项工作。go away phrasal verb1to leave a place or a person: Go away! Leave me alone!走开! 别管我!2to spend some time away from home, especially on holidaygo away for/to/onWe went away for the weekend.go我们去度周末了。3to disappear: My headache still hasn’t gone away.go我的头痛还是没有消失。Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away.ignorewin忽视问题并不能让问题自行消失。THESAURUS disappeargo back phrasal verb1to return to a place: We’d better go back.well我们最好回去。go back to/into/insideI’ll never go back to my old school.我再也不会回到我的母校了。2to have started at some time in the past: a tradition that goes back 200 yearsgoyear可追溯到 200 年前的一个传统go back toThe building goes back to Roman times.buildgotime这座建筑物可追溯到古罗马时代。go back on something phrasal verb go back on your word/promise/decision etc to not do what you have promised or agreed to dogo back to something phrasal verb to start doing something again: Go back to sleep!继续睡!go back to doing somethingShe went back to watching TV.gowatch她又继续看电视。go by phrasal verb1if time goes by, it passes: Two weeks went by before Tony called.weekgocall两个星期过去了﹐托尼才来电话。As the years went by, she forgot him.yeargoforget一年年过去﹐她把他忘了。2go by something to use information, rules etc to help you decide or judge something: Going by her usual behaviour, she’ll be back late.go按照她平时的做法﹐她会晚回来的。go down phrasal verb1DECREASE to become lower in level, amount etcgo down to/by/fromThe temperature went down to zero.go气温降到了零度。go down inComputers have gone down in price.computergo电脑的价格下降了。THESAURUS decrease2JOKE/IDEA go down well/badly etc to get a good or bad reaction from people: His jokes didn’t go down very well.joke他的笑话没有得到很好的反应。3SHIP if a ship goes down, it sinks4PLANE if a plane goes down, it crashes5TYRE if something such as a tyre goes down, air comes out of it and it becomes soft6COMPUTER if a computer goes down, it stops working7SUN when the sun goes down, it goes below the horizon at the end of the daygo for somebody/something phrasal verb1to try to get or win something: We’re going for the gold medal.go我们要争取赢得金牌。2British English to attack or criticize someone: She went for him with a knife.go她拿了把刀向他扑去。3to choose or prefer something or someone: I’ll go for the soup.我想要汤。4that goes for/the same goes for somebody/something spoken used to say that something is also true about someone or something else THESAURUS choosego in for something phrasal verb1to take part in an examination or competition2to like doing something: I’ve never gone in for gambling.gogamble我对赌博向来不感兴趣。go into something phrasal verb1to start working in a particular profession: He wants to go into teaching.wantteach他想从事教师职业。2to be spent or used in doing something: Years of research went into this book.yeargo写这本书花了许多年研究。3to describe or explain something thoroughly: I don’t want to go into details right now.detail我现在不想细说。go off phrasal verb1to leave in order to do something: He went off to find Joe.go他去找乔了。2to explode: Suddenly a bomb went off.go突然一枚炸弹爆炸了。THESAURUS explode3to make a loud noise: My alarm clock didn’t go off!我的闹钟居然没响!4go off somebody/something British English to stop liking someone or something: I’ve gone off coffee.go我不再喜欢喝咖啡了。THESAURUS dislike5to stop working: All the lights went off.lightgo所有的灯都熄灭了。6go off well/badly/perfectly etc to happen in a particular waygo off with something phrasal verb to leave with something that belongs to someone else: She’s gone off with my pen.go她拿走了我的钢笔。go on phrasal verb1to continue: The meeting went on longer than expected.meetgolongexpect会议开得比预期的要长。go on doing somethingWe can’t go on fighting like this!fight我们不能这样吵下去了!go on withHe went on with his meal.go他继续吃他的饭。THESAURUS continue2to happen: What’s going on down there?go那里发生了什么事?3to do something after finishing something elsego on toShall we go on to the next topic?我们接着讨论下一个主题好吗?go on to do somethingShe went on to become a successful surgeon.go她后来成了一名成功的外科医生。4to continue speaking after you have stopped for a while: ‘But,’ he went on, ‘it’s not that simple.’go“但是﹐” 他继续说﹐“这不是那么简单的。”5informal to talk too much about something: I got tired of him going on about all his problems.gettiregoproblem他唠叨自己的问题我都听厌了。THESAURUS talk6spoken used to encourage someone to do something: Go on, have some more.来吧﹐再吃一点。7if time goes on, it passes: As time went on, it got easier.gogeteasy随着时间的过去﹐事情慢慢就容易了。go out phrasal verb1to leave your house, especially in order to enjoy yourself: Are you going out tonight?bego你今晚出去吗?go out for/toWe went out for lunch.go我们出去吃午饭了。2to have a romantic relationship with someone: How long have you two been going out?bego你们俩交往多久了?go out withLisa used to go out with Todd.use莉莎以前和托德谈过恋爱。3to stop shining or burning: All the lights went out.lightgo所有的灯都熄灭了。4to be sent to a number of people: A copy of the memo went out to all staff.go给所有员工都发了一份备忘录。5to leave a competition because you have been defeated: Our team went out in the first round.go我们队第一回合就被淘汰了。6to stop being fashionable or used: Hats like that went out years ago.hatgoyear那种帽子很多年前就不流行了。7when the tide goes out, the sea moves back from the landgo over something phrasal verb to look at or repeat something carefully so that it is all correct or clear: Let’s go over your speech one more time.我们再练一遍你的台词吧。go round phrasal verb British English ➔ go aroundgo through phrasal verb1go through something to have a difficult or upsetting experience: She’s just gone through a divorce.go她刚刚离了婚。2go through (something) if a deal, agreement, or law goes through, it is officially accepted: My loan application has finally gone through.havego我的贷款申请终于获得批准了。The law went through Parliament last year.go这项法令去年在议会通过了。3go through something to practise, read, or explain something carefully to make sure it is correct: She went through my homework for me.go她替我检查了我的家庭作业。4go through something to search a container or place: A customs man went through my bags.customgobag一名海关人员检查了我的包。5go through something to explain something carefully to make sure that people understand it: Could you go through the instructions one more time?caninstruction请你把用法说明再说一遍好吗?THESAURUS explaingo through with something phrasal verb to do something you had planned or promised to do: She couldn’t go through with the wedding.她无法举行这个婚礼。go to somebody/something phrasal verb to be given to someone: The Oscar went to Nicole Kidman.go奥斯卡奖颁给了妮可∙基得曼。go under phrasal verb if a business goes under, it has serious problems and failsgo up phrasal verb1to increase in number or amount: Unemployment went up again.go失业人数又上升了。go up by/from/toFares have gone up by almost 50%.farego票价涨了近 50%。THESAURUS increase2to be built or put in place: A lot of new houses have gone up.housego很多新房子兴建起来。3to explode or be destroyed by fire: The entire factory went up in flames.goflame整家工厂都烧毁了。go with somebody/something phrasal verb1to be included as part of something: The car goes with the job.go汽车是这份工作提供的。go with doing somethingthe responsibilities that go with having a familyresponsibilityhave有家庭带来的责任2to accept someone’s idea or plan: Let’s go with John’s original idea.我们还是采纳约翰原来的那个想法吧。go without phrasal verb1go without (something) to not have something that you usually have: She went without food for several days.goday她已经几天没有东西吃了。2it goes without saying (that) used to say that something is very obvious




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