

单词 go
释义 gogoesgogo2 noun [countable] (plural goes)1an attempt to do something: ‘I can’t get the lid off.’ ‘Here, let me have a go.’“我打不开盖子。”“来,让我来试试。”Why not have a go at making your own pasta?make为什么不试试自己做意大利面呢?at/in one goShe blew out all the candles in one go.blowcandle她一口气把所有蜡烛都吹灭了。2especially British English someone’s turn to play in a game or to use something: Whose go is it?be现在轮到谁了?Can I have a go with the camera?我能用一下照相机吗?THESAURUS tryPhraseshave a go at somebody British English informal to criticize someone: Mum had a go at me for not doing my homework.havedo妈妈因为我没有做家庭作业骂了我一顿。make a go of something to make something succeed, especially a business or marriage: Nick was determined to make a go of the business.bedetermine尼克决心把生意做大。on the go1very busy: I’ve been on the go all day.be我一天都在忙碌。2being used or worked on: I’ve got two projects on the go.getproject我有两个项目在进行中。THESAURUS: gotry to attempt to do something: I’ve tried to call her several times today.trytimeattempt to try to do something, especially something difficult or dangerous. Attempt is more formal than try: They are attempting to negotiate an agreement.beattemptmake an effort to do sth to try to do something that you find difficult or do not really want to do: I made an effort to sound interested in what he was saying.makeinterestbesayI’m sure you can pass the test if you make an effort.do your best to try as hard as you can to do something: I’ll do my best to finish it by Friday.wellhave a go British English (also have a try) informal to try to do something when you are not sure that you will succeed: ‘I can’t get this lid off.’ ‘Let me have a go.’I’d love to have a try at skiing.skisee if I/you can do sth spoken to try to do something – used when offering to do something, or suggesting that someone should do something: I’ll see if I can get you a ticket.See if you can make him change his mind.




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