

单词 good
释义 goodbetterbestgoodgood1 /gʊd/ adjective (comparative better /ˈbetə $ -ər/, superlative best /best/)1of a high standard/quality of a high standard or quality: a good hotel不错的酒店a very good book很好的书2nice/enjoyable pleasant or enjoyable: Did you have a good holiday?do你的假期过得愉快吗?We had a really good time.have我们玩得非常开心。It’s good to see you.见到你真高兴。That’s good news!那真是个好消息!3skilful able to do something well: a good teacher一位好老师I’m not good enough to get into the team.我还不够资格加入该队。good atGill’s very good at sports.sport吉尔很擅长体育运动。good at doing somethingShe’s good at swimming.swim她擅长游泳。good withHe’s very good with animals (=able to deal with animals well).animal他对动物很有办法。GrammarDo not say ’Mick’s good in tennis.’ SayMick’s good at tennis.(米克网球打得很好。)4likely to succeed likely to be successful: That’s a good idea.那是个好主意。What’s the best way to do this?well这件事怎么做最好?good practice (=a good way of doing something, which avoids problems)It’s good practice to save your files every few minutes.fileminute每隔几分钟将文件存档是很好的做法。5suitable suitable or convenient: Is this a good time to talk?be现在谈话方便吗?good forThe beach is good for families.befamily这片海滩适合家庭度假游玩。6having a good effect be good for somebody/something likely to improve someone’s health or the condition of something: Exercise is good for you.be运动有益健康。7well-behaved a good child behaves well: Hurry up, be a good boy.快点﹐做个乖孩子。8nice kind and nice: He’s a good man.他是个好人。It was good of you to come.be你能来真是太好了。9large large in amount or size: a good harvest大丰收10thorough complete or thorough: The car needs a good wash.need这辆车需要好好清洗一遍。Take a good look.好好看一看。11when you are pleased spoken used when you are pleased about something: ‘Tom’s here.’ ‘Oh, good.’“汤姆来了。”“噢﹐好啊。”Good. I’m glad that’s finished.finish好啊。我很高兴已经结束了。 ➔ a good deal at deal1Phrasesa good few/many quite a lot: There were a good few people there.be那里有很多人。a good while quite a long time: We had to wait a good while.have我们只得等了很长时间。as good as very nearly: The job’s as good as done.do这项工作差不多要完成了。as good as new used when something looks in good condition, especially after it has been repaired: The car looks as good as new.look这车看上去就跟新的一样。good for somebody spoken used to say that you approve of something that someone has done: ‘I’m getting married.’ ‘Good for you!’getmarry“我要结婚了。”“你真行啊!”good grief/God/lord/heavens/gracious! spoken used to express surprise or anger: Oh, good heavens! What happened to you?heavenhappen哦,天啊!你怎么了?(that’s a) good idea/point/question spoken used to say that someone has just said or suggested something interesting or important: ‘I’ll pick you up on the way there.’ ‘That’s a good idea.’“我顺路来接你。” “真是好主意。”good job American English spoken used to praise someone when you think they have done something well SYN well donegood luck spoken used to say that you hope that someone is successful: Good luck with the new job!新工作一切顺利!in good time British English early enough to be ready for a particular time or event: I arrived in good time.arrive我及时赶到。it’s a good thing (also it’s a good job British English) spoken used when you are glad that something has happened: It’s a good thing I brought the map.bring幸好我带了地图。 THESAURUS luckyTHESAURUS: goodgood used about something that you like, enjoy, or think is of a high standard: It’s a really good book.My French is not very good.benice good, pleasant, or enjoyable. Nice is very common in spoken English. In written English, it is better to use other words: You look really nice.Have a nice time!It’s such a nice day.wonderful extremely good: a wonderful poemexcellent extremely good – used especially when you are very pleased with something: Sam’s progress this term has been excellent.havebegreat/terrific/fantastic informal extremely good: That was a great film.beHer cooking is fantastic.cookbebrilliant British English informal extremely good: The play was absolutely brilliant.beneat American English informal good – used when you like something: That’s a really neat idea!a neat little gadgetattractive an attractive idea, offer, or suggestion seems good and you feel that you want to do it: A day by the sea sounded like an attractive suggestion.soundfine fine food, drink, clothes etc are of good quality. Fine weather is sunny: People come here to enjoy fine food and wines.wineIf it’s fine tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk.




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