

单词 half
释义 halfhalveshalfhalf1 /hɑːf $ hæf/ (plural halves /hɑːvz $ hævz/) noun [countable], determiner1one of two equal parts of something: Two halves make a whole.halve两个一半构成一个整体。Over half the people in this area are unemployed.be这地区有一半以上的人失业。Their son is two and a half.be他们的儿子两岁半。half ofI only saw the first half of the film.see我只看了这部影片的前半部分。half an hour/mile etcI got to work half an hour late.get我上班迟到了半个小时。in halfCut the tomatoes in half.tomato把番茄切成两半。cut/reduce something by half (=make it 50% smaller)Profits have been cut by half.profitbe利润下降了一半。the first/second halfBeckham scored in the first half of the match.score贝克汉姆在上半场进球得分。2the largest part of something: She seems to be asleep half the time.seem她似乎大部分时间都在睡觉。Phrasesgo halves (on something) to share something, especially the cost of something, equally between two people: Do you want to go halves on a pizza?halve你想和我合买一个比萨饼吗?half a dozen1six: half a dozen eggsegg半打鸡蛋2a few: There were only half a dozen people there.be那里只有几个人。half (past) one/two/three etc especially British English 30 minutes after one o’clock, two o’clock etc: We’re meeting at half past seven.meet我们七点半见面。I phoned about half six.phone我六点半左右打了个电话。not half as/so good/interesting etc (as somebody/something) much less good, interesting etc than someone or something else: The movie wasn’t half as good as the book.这部电影远不如原书好看。




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