

单词 innocent
释义 innocentinnocenterinnocentestinnocentinnocent /ˈɪnəsənt/ adjective1someone who is innocent has not done anything wrong OPP guilty: Nobody believed that I was innocent.believebe没有人相信我是清白的。innocent ofHe’s innocent of the murder.他没犯谋杀罪。The court found him innocent.find法庭判他无罪。2innocent victims/bystanders/people etc people who get hurt or killed in a war or crime although they are not directly involved in it: Many innocent civilians were killed.civilianbekill许多无辜平民被杀。3done or said without intending to harm or offend anyone: an innocent remark没有恶意的话4someone who is innocent does not know about the bad things in life: an innocent child一个天真的孩子—innocentlyinnocently adverb




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